Casa View Haven Residents Help Landscape a Neighbors Front Yard
Working for the Dallas Morning News in early December I photographed a group of homeowners who live in the East Dallas neighborhood of Casa View Haven help one of their neighbors cleanup their yard.
Clay Buckley helps prune a small tree in Elisa Ramos' front yard Saturday, Dec. 4, 2010. Buckley, who lives a block away from Ramos in the Casa View Haven neighborhood, gets together with several of his neighbors and friends and help fix up the home or yard of a homeowner in need of help. The neighborhood started an association last year. (BRANDON WADE/Special Contributor to The Dallas Morning News)
Clay Buckley helps prune a small tree in Elisa Ramos' front yard Saturday, Dec. 4, 2010. Buckley, who lives a block away from Ramos in the Casa View Haven neighborhood, gets together with several of his neighbors and friends and help fix up the home or yard of a homeowner in need of help. The neighborhood started an association last year. (BRANDON WADE/Special Contributor to The Dallas Morning News)
Susan MacFarland plants pansies in an old tree stump in Elisa Ramos' front yard Saturday, Dec. 4, 2010. MacFarland, who lives a block away, volunteers her time with several other neighbors and friends once a month to help fix up the home or yard of a homeowner in need of help. The neighborhood started an association last year. MacFarland has lived in the neighborhood for 30 years. "I'm thankful to give back, its nice to help your own," MacFarland said. (BRANDON WADE/Special Contributor to The Dallas Morning News)
Clay Buckley helps plant pansies in Elisa Ramos' front yard Saturday, Dec. 4, 2010. Buckley, who lives a block away, volunteers his time with several other neighbors and friends once a month to help fix up the home or yard of a homeowner in need of help. The neighborhood started an association last year. (BRANDON WADE/Special Contributor to The Dallas Morning News)
Justin Barina, a Casa View Haven neighborhood association board member, helps prune a small tree in Elisa Ramos' front yard Saturday, Dec. 4, 2010. Barina, who lives a block away, volunteers his time with several other neighbors and friends once a month to help fix up the home or yard of a homeowner in need of help. The neighborhood started an association last year. (BRANDON WADE/Special Contributor to The Dallas Morning News)
Tom Young helps put in new wood chips in Elisa Ramos' front yard in the Casa View Haven neighborhood Saturday, Dec. 4, 2010. Young, who lives in Richardson, volunteered his time to help Justin Barina, a friend from church and a board member of the Casa View Haven neighborhood association. Barina along with friends and neighbors get together once a month to help fix up the home or yard of a homeowner in need of help. The neighborhood started an association last year. (BRANDON WADE/Special Contributor to The Dallas Morning News)
David Jackson helps bag dead leaves in his neighbor's, Elisa Ramos, front yard Saturday, Dec. 4, 2010. Jackson, who lives next door, in the Casa View Haven neighborhood, gets together with several other neighbors and friends and help fix up the home or yard of a homeowner in need of help. The neighborhood started an association last year. (BRANDON WADE/Special Contributor to The Dallas Morning News)