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B.J. Jenkins, 16, suffered from a stroke and four months later is preparing for high school football

B.J. Jenkins, 16, suffered a stroke on April 30, 2010. He spent a week in the hospital and then two weeks recuperating at home before starting rehab. Now just four months later Jenkins says that he feels like he is almost 100% back to normal. "For a minute I was scared just because I thought I would never play football again. When I sat down in my room and thought about it more, I realized how close I was to dying. It has given me a new outlook on life. I'm lucky to be here right now," Jenkins said. 

B.J. Jenkins, 16, poses for a portrait at Arlington Bowie High School Monday, July 26, 2010. Jenkins suffered a stroke at home on April 30, 2010. Jenkins says that he feels like he's almost back to normal. Special to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram / Brandon Wade

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