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Supreme Extreme Mustang Makeover PHOTOS & VIDEO

On Saturday I worked on a feature, The Supreme Extreme Mustang Makeover, for the Star-Telegram about a competition where people have just 120 days to break wild Mustangs. They then demonstrate their maneuvers and cow working skills for a chance at $50,000. You can read the full story here: http://www.star-telegram.com/2010/08/14/2404284/adopted-mustangs-owners-vie-for.html#my-headlines-fortworth

Jonathan Weisiger leads "Captain Jack Sparrow," left, and "The Ninja Pony," right, to their stalls at the Extreme Mustang Makeover horse competition at John Justin Arena in Fort Worth, Saturday, August 14. 2010. Competitors have only 120 days to train their wild horses. Special to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram / Brandon Wade

Jonathan Weisiger leads "The Ninja Pony" to the cow working competition at the Extreme Mustang Makeover horse competition at John Justin Arena in Fort Worth, Saturday, August 14. 2010. Competitors have only 120 days to train their wild horses. Special to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram / Brandon Wade

Jonathan Weisiger prepares to warm up with "Captain Jack Sparrow" before his turn at the maneuvers competition during the Extreme Mustang Makeover horse competition at John Justin Arena in Fort Worth, Saturday, August 14. 2010. Competitors have only 120 days to train their wild horses. Special to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram / Brandon Wade

Jonathan Weisiger prepares to warm up with "Captain Jack Sparrow" before his turn at the maneuvers competition during the Extreme Mustang Makeover horse competition at John Justin Arena in Fort Worth, Saturday, August 14. 2010. Competitors have only 120 days to train their wild horses. Special to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram / Brandon Wade

Jonathan Weisiger competes in the cow working competition riding "The Ninja Pony" during the Extreme Mustang Makeover horse competition at John Justin Arena in Fort Worth, Saturday, August 14. 2010. Competitors have only 120 days to train their wild horses. Special to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram / Brandon Wade

Jesus Jauregui is enveloped is dust while monitoring a tunnel to the competition arena during the Extreme Mustang Makeover horse competition at John Justin Arena in Fort Worth, Saturday, August 14. 2010. Competitors have only 120 days to train their wild horses. Special to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram / Brandon Wade

Jonathan Weisiger acknowledges the crowed after competing in the cow working competition while riding "The Ninja Pony" during the Extreme Mustang Makeover horse competition at John Justin Arena in Fort Worth, Saturday, August 14. 2010. Competitors have only 120 days to train their wild horses. Special to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram / Brandon Wade


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