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Giving Blood on Christmas Eve

I worked a early morning assignment for the Star-Telegram on Christmas eve about people giving blood at the Carter Blood Care center in Fort Worth. You can read the full story here: http://www.star-telegram.com/2010/12/24/2726661/blood-donors-in-giving-mood-on.html#my-headlines-default

Glen Harmon, 50, donates blood at the Carter Blood Care Center in Fort Worth on Christmas eve, Friday, Dec. 24, 2010. Harmon said that he started donating after a friends wife was having surgery and she needed blood. Special to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram/Brandon Wade Glen Harmon, 50, donates blood as phlebotomist Jose Ortega observes at the Carter Blood Care Center in Fort Worth on Christmas eve, Friday, Dec. 24, 2010. Harmon said that he started donating after a friends wife was having surgery and she needed blood. Special to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram/Brandon Wade Sue Ott, 56, donates blood at the Carter Blood Care Center in Fort Worth as phlebotomist Michele Murray collects samples for testing on Christmas eve, Friday, Dec. 24, 2010. Ott said that she started giving blood in the late 70's when a mobile donation clinic was collecting at her work place. Special to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram/Brandon Wade Sue Ott, 56, donates blood at the Carter Blood Care Center in Fort Worth on Christmas eve, Friday, Dec. 24, 2010. Ott said that she started giving blood in the late 70's when a mobile donation clinic was collecting at her work place. Special to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram/Brandon Wade
Phlebotomist Michele Murray, left, wraps Sue Ott's arm after she donated blood at the Carter Blood Care Center in Fort Worth as samples for testing on Christmas eve, Friday, Dec. 24, 2010. Ott said that she started giving blood in the late 70's when a mobile donation clinic was collecting at her work place. Special to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram/Brandon Wade Vials of Sue Ott's blood will be tested for diseases before her donation will enter the blood supply. Sue Ott, 56, right, donates blood at the Carter Blood Care Center in Fort Worth as phlebotomist Michele Murray, left, observes on Christmas eve, Friday, Dec. 24, 2010. Ott said that she started giving blood in the late 70's when a mobile donation clinic was collecting at her work place. Special to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram/Brandon Wade

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