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Hurst Conference Center

Photographs of Hurst's new conference center under construction. The main hall features a pretty cool fiber-optic chandelier that changes colors. Read more about the conference center at the Fort Worth Star-Telegram here: http://www.star-telegram.com/2010/08/08/2391390/hurst-expects-new-center-to-develop.html#my-headlines-northeast

A fiber-optic chandelier and smaller fiber-optic bundles that mimic stars, hang in the main hall of the Hurst Conference Center under construction Monday, August 2, 2010. The building is scheduled to open the first week of September. Special to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram / Brandon Wade

A fiber-optic chandelier and smaller fiber-optic bundles that mimic stars, hang in the main hall of the Hurst Conference Center under construction Monday, August 2, 2010. The building is scheduled to open the first week of September. Special to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram / Brandon Wade 

Front of the Hurst Conference Center under construction Monday, August 2, 2010. The building is scheduled to open the first week of September. Special to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram / Brandon Wade

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