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Fritz Rahr of Rahr & Sons Brewing Co.

I photographed the owner of Rahr & Sons Brewing Co., Fritz Rahr, last Saturday for a story about beating the summer heat here in North Texas. The brewery was severely damaged last winter when heavy snow collapsed the roof. Fritz hopes to have his brewery up and running again this weekend, conducting tours, too. While the 20,000-square-foot facility is not air-conditioned, it does have swamp coolers, plus a new 25-foot stand-up bar and 16 picnic tables in what owner Fritz Rahr describes as a beer-garden atmosphere. Read the DFW.com story about staying cool in the North Texas heat here.

Fritz Rahr poses for a portrait at his Brewery South of downtown Fort Worth Saturday, June 12, 2010.Pallets of Rahr and Sons Brewery bottles Saturday, June 12, 2010. James Race, a friend of Fritz Rahr, cuts a peice of metal trim for the newley rebuilt bar at Rahr and Sons Brewery Saturday, June 12, 2010. A Rahr and Sons beer at the company's brewery South of downtown Fort Worth Saturday, June 12, 2010.

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