Chickens, Roosters and City ordinances oh my 
Friday, August 6, 2010 at 12:13PM
Brandon Wade in Chickens, Fort Worth, Portrait, Roosters, chicken breeder, city ordinances, eggs

Jose Cardenas has been raising chickens and roosters on his property about 3 miles south of downtown Fort Worth since 1982. At one point he said he had about 500-600 foul, but now has around 200. The city considering limiting the number of roosters a homeowner can keep based on lot size in response to complaints about noise and cockfighting. Read more about the story at the Star-Telegram here:

Jose Cardenas poses with one of his roosters, that he has been breading behind his home in Fort Worth since 1982, Wednesday, August 4, 2010. Cardenas has about 200 chickens and roosters and opposes Fort Worth's plans to limit the number of roosters citizens can keep within city limits. Special to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram / Brandon Wade

One of Jose Cardenas' roosters, that he has been breading behind his home in Fort Worth since 1982, Wednesday, August 4, 2010. Cardenas has about 200 chickens and roosters and opposes Fort Worth's plans to limit the number of roosters citizens can keep within city limits. Special to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram / Brandon Wade

Several eggs from Jose Cardenas'(cq) chickens, that he has been breading behind his home in Fort Worth since 1982, Wednesday, August 4, 2010. Cardenas has about 200 chickens and roosters and opposes Fort Worth's plans to limit the number of roosters citizens can keep within city limits. Special to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram / Brandon Wade

Update on Sunday, August 8, 2010 at 9:26AM by Registered CommenterBrandon Wade

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